
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Journey in Saint Pius ~ Reflection

The time has come to where the year has nearly ended. My Journey here at Saint Pius has been amazing and challenging, From room 1 yr 0 to Room 7 yr 8, I had learnt so many things, From wrong to right. My child hood has so many memories to remember but not to forget. All the good things that had happened to me through out the years have been collected and put into my memory box, I could never stop loving this school because we advance in Faith, Hope and Love together as one family. Even though we have our ups and down we always tend to forgive and forget. I thank the Lord for guiding me throughout these 9 years without failing. I also want to thank the teachers for their support even though we were being little rascals. We only have 2 days and we have graduated from Intermediate. We will now take a big step into another world. My highlight of this year was going to Camp we all had experienced something for our learning out side.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Biscuit Making

Te ranga Te ra has prepared a decorating day with our soul friends. The purpose of it was to be closer with our soul friends.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Manaiakalani / Film Festival

Night Session has already started. Before the doors were open we had a few performers from Tamaki College singing. A few minutes later the doors were open to enter, Once we seated everything started to go pitch black and a girl was welcoming us on the extreme screen from another school. The movies from each school were presented separately, I was munching on popcorn while watching the movies. The movies were based on different Genres like Drama,romance,Comedy and many more. I even learnt some new things. There were loads of movies shown on the screen. 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Movenote/Writing test- Siniva and I

Here is a movenote, based on our thoughts from our E -Asttle test

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Maths Whizz - Certificate

I am proud of my self today because I have received an award from maths whizz for most improvement.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Expressive Writing

Having one more term of school is like having a little amount of time to live. "I wonder what it will be like in a few years or months", waking up to a new day thinking that I'm gonna come to school (Intermediate/primary) but actually going to college.  When I leave Saint Pius I will need to find new friends that will have faith in me to do the right things,  what I learn at Saint Pius I will take it with me so I can show others.  When I finish college I will stop and say to my self " Thank you past for all the lessons and Dear Future I am ready" 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Basic Facts

For warm up I was doing Basic Facts 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Revision on Fraction

Revision on Fraction

Warm Up

The Best thing I've learnt was figuring out the missing numbers on the line

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 22, 2014

Expressive writing

This morning I woke up at 6:00 and everything was dark and quiet. I was shivering even though I had a blanket on me. I was thinking if I was gonna get up or not, suddenly I could feel my goose bumbs all over my legs and hands. So I finally stood up but I needed to go toilet once I knocked on the door someone was inside. "HURRY UP" , I said it while everyone was sleeping and I was thinking to my self, I think my mums like "who the hell is screaming"?

Friday, August 1, 2014

Expressive writing

Tuesday was the day the year 8's lost their game to Remuera Intermediate it was a complicated day for me. While I was playing I was distracting my self by talking to my self. Sweat running down everyone's faces like a volcano that has already erupted. I questioned my self should I play on the second quarter..... It took a while for me to make up my mind, at the same time I was to late the siren has already gone. We were winning at first but they caught up to us, We were upset that we didn't win but we still won with happiness.

As a team member I could see a few things we needed to improve to win the next game, like stepping, Intercepting and the wrong attitude for playing netball. For myself I noticed I did a lot of stepping, what I need to do is practice planting my feet on the ground and practice any other drills with my team mates. I also noticed that Intercepting was my other problem, what I need to do is making sure I'm three feet away from my partner and not touching them.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Expressive writing

If the sun didn't shine this morning then my day wouldn't be as bright as the sun. I love it when the sun is shinning, so I can have some fun outside. When it rains out side it feels like I'm locked up in Jail. But back to the topic about the sun. The sun is like my best friend that follows me around.